Environmentally friendly!


Winnipeg Wildlife 257




Mal’s World

Coming soon…


Life in the City

Sidewalks,  back lanes,  bike trail,  small parks,  big parks,

small rabbits,  jack rabbits,  jackhammers,  steel hammers,

traffic rumbling,  trucks beeping (and beeping and beeping),

crows,  grey and blue jays squawking,

blackbirds singing,  woodpeckers pecking,

cats fighting,  dogs barking,  babies crying,  voices shouting,

the air,  the breeze,  the flowers,  the trees,

the smell of roses and lilacs,  burning wood and scrap,

the smell of diesel from the tracks,

rivers,  creeks and ponds,  ducks breeding,  dogs chasing,

cars racing,  sirens screaming (and screaming),

seagulls,  pigeons, geese,  planes and helicopters flying,

trains screeching (and screeching and screeching),

tree squirrels,  ground squirrels,  hawks and owls,

people killing ground squirrels,  no hawks,  no owls,

more ground squirrels,  more dead ground squirrels,

the sun,  the rain,  foggy evenings,  misty mornings,

birds,  squirrels and crickets chirping,

skunks,  raccoons and deer are lurking,

the ground is shaking,  humans awakening,

to the calm,  hectic,  madness ..

.. of life in the city.

Aug. 2017 The Editor

